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Booking reference

The booking reference, also known as a PNR (Passenger Name Record) or confirmation code, is typically found in the following locations on a plane ticket:

1-E-Ticket Confirmation Email: When you book a flight online, the booking reference is usually included in the confirmation email sent by the airline. Look for a section labeled "Booking Reference," "Confirmation Code," or "PNR.".
2-Physical Ticket: If you have a printed ticket, the booking reference may be printed on the ticket itself, often near the top or bottom.
3-Mobile App: If you use an airline's mobile app, you can usually find your booking reference in the flight details or itinerary section.
4-Itinerary: If you received a detailed itinerary, the booking reference should be included there as well.

Your booking reference consists of six characters that can be either letters or numbers from 2 to 9. You can find it on your booking confirmation or e-ticket.

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